Booking and Money

We have been able to negotiate a good deal with the hotel and, as consequence, the cost per person per room per night will be as follows :

     £73    Single             

     £57    Twin / Double    

There are only a very limited number of Single Rooms.  So book early if you want to secure one as once they are gone there is no chance for any additional ones.

Applications from members of BIVC will be accepted from early June 2010 - this is to allow our own members an early opportunity to ensure they have first chance for the limited number of rooms (especially Singles) available.

Applications in respect of members of other IVCs and guests of BIVC members will be accepted from early July 2010.

There is an application form in the Bulletin or email the organiser and she will send you an automated version that will do all the calculations for you.

When completed, then print it off - one for each person.

Please send the completed & signed form and deposit cheque (£50) to :

BIVC, c/o 18 Gwendoline Way, Walsall, WS9 9RG

Your balance MUST be received at the same address by 30th November 2011 at the latest - no reminder will be sent.

If your balance is not received by then, your room / bed will be offered to people on what will probbaly be an extensive waiting list.